Women’s Counseling

Too Many Hats

Frazzled jugglers, managing multiple roles, we are daughters, partners, mothers, and professionals.

For some women the list extends beyond that.

They are the behind the scenes taskmasters who coordinate the family’s competing schedules, the chauffeurs, the secretaries, the ones buying the gifts, remembering the soccer uniforms need to be washed, squeezing into as many titles as needed to keep everyone happy.

Wonder woman called. She wants her cape back.

As multi-tasking super women, we strap on our capes, rarely pausing long enough to even consider our needs, desires or limits. We forget who we are and what we enjoy, our sense of self getting lost along the way.

We leave ourselves with the leftover crumbs of our focus, time, and energy. Perpetually operating on fumes is no way to live.

Feeling like a shell of a person, you become stuck, drained, out of balance, anxious, resentful, and quietly miserable.

Ready for some “Me” time?

Therapy time is devoted exclusively to YOU – your feelings, your hopes, your thoughts, your needs, and your well being.

It is the place where you can throw the caretaking cape aside and get honest about what is and isn’t working for you.

This is a place where you can get complete support.

A No-Judgement Zone.

Working with you, I can help you sort through the clutter in your mind and set boundaries that reflect your truth.

I can teach you how to judge yourself with a softer, less perfectionistic lens.

Over time, you will truly embrace the principle that “self-care” is NOT “selfish.”

The Pause Button to Your Hectic Week

Perhaps that gnawing dissatisfaction or a perpetual state of being overwhelmed is what brought you here today. If so, you are in the right place!

Together, we will find your clarity, define your priorities, and make the changes you desire, so that you can live a rich, balanced and fulfilling life!

Rediscovering ourselves brings joy back into our hearts, and ironically can make us better in all of our other roles.

Talk a minute for yourself right now.

Don’t put yourself at the bottom of the “to do” list.

Call me today at (848) 333-7018.

Support is waiting for you on the other end.