Recovery Work

Day by Day

You are maintaining your sobriety.

You are going to meetings. You have a sponsor.

But you know there is still work that needs to be done – work you are ready to face now – work that was thwarted by the years of active addiction.

Chronological age is very different from emotional age.

Substance abuse can often stunt emotional growth.

You got sober in your twenties, thirties, or forties, but emotionally you may still be responding to the world and its stresses at whatever age you began your path to addiction.

For some addicts, substance use began as a way to cope with, and mask the pain of, trauma. And now, their emotional growth is effectively stuck in that spot.

Your eyes adjust to the light.

When you spend years shutting down emotions and making self-destructive choices due to drug and alcohol addiction, “living life on life’s terms” is difficult. You may have spent years working hard to block out reality.

Living day-to-day in survival mode, your emotional growth takes a back seat. Every single problem that has been brushed aside is still there, waiting to be dealt with once you become sober.

“Character defects” such as anger, fear, perfectionism, self-hatred, negative thinking, impatience, and resentment can hinder the quality of our relationships with ourselves and others.

A step toward life.

Therapy can help hit the pause button on thoughts and behaviors that have caused damage in the past and help move you further along in your recovery journey!

Together, we can identify what traits are standing in the way of your optimal living.

We can reshape and replace them with healthier patterns, in a safe space where you are encouraged to view yourself with compassion and without judgment.

Imagine a life free of old shame, guilt, hurt and trauma…

A life rebuilt on a foundation of self-acceptance and healthy communication.

A life where it is safe to fully feel again.

It is time for you to live your very best life.

Contact me today to start your journey!

Call (848) 333-7018.