Couples Counseling

Spoiler Alert: Relationships take work.

No one ever told us that.

We are bombarded by narratives of what a great relationship looks like.

We dream of a partner who can read our minds and anticipate our every need – a relationship without conflict. While that makes for scintillating films and novels, reality looks different.

Real life is messier than this.

In real life, we get our feelings hurt.

In real life, it isn’t fair to expect our partners to read our minds

It is not realistic to think that love alone will “fix” conflicts.

A healthy relationship is made of two healthy people.

Sometimes patterns learned from our own families (our parents, grandparents, siblings,) get in the way of creating a healthy relationship. Sometimes we simply don’t even realize there may be a different way to handle things.

Respectful and heart-centered conflict resolution is a skill set that has not been modeled for many of us during our childhood and young adulthood.

More often we have seen problems handled by avoidance, denial, explosiveness, silent treatments, or other maladaptive approaches.

As the song says, let’s “bring back that loving feeling.”

So often, rather than TRULY hearing what our partner is saying and trying to fully understand them, we are distractedly planning our response, explanation, or snarky retort.

It is amazing how incredibly validating it feels to fully be heard by another person – to feel understood and be seen.

You and me, and baby makes three.

The arrival of a baby is such an exhilarating time, yet it can throw the dynamics of a couple off kilter.

Because this is such a happy event, it may be difficult to verbalize to your partner how the changes are impacting you.

Before the baby came, maybe you were the central focus of your partner’s love and attention. Now the baby is front and center.

I can help you stay connected.

I will show you that there is more than enough love to go around.

My expertise is teaching couples, who are motivated for positive change, the skills they need to build a relationship with a solid foundation of honest communication and respect.

When a couple can each articulate their vision for what they need and what they want their relationship to look like, we can begin building the skills to get them there.

Commitment and a true sense of teamwork deepen as couples master the art of “fair fighting”, look for creative “win-win” solutions, learn how to get to the heart of an issue without getting distracted by the fluff, and embrace the idea of winning love over winning arguments.

Let me help you gain clarity and peace.

If your attempts to “fix” things on your own aren’t working, let me help you create a relationship that brings out the very best in each of you!

Call me today! (848) 333-7018