Coping with sudden change
Are you in a state of overwhelm?
Feeling like your mind is in overdrive, unable to sleep, make a game plan, or contain intense feelings, it seems impossible to just get through the day.
Like an ocean wave, life can knock us to our knees.
What we do to get back up is what makes all the difference.
Have you heard of the phrase “This too shall pass”?
People may tell you that you will “get through this” eventually, but right now that seems impossible.
Reeling from an affair, a divorce, a death, or a medical diagnosis, you will try anything to regain your balance.
When you’re grasping at straws, it’s hard to know what will work.
The bottom suddenly dropped out of Joanne’s world.
Joanne and her husband Mark were married for almost 20 years.
They had two children – a daughter about to head off to college and a middle school aged son. Joanne thought she had the perfect life – a beautiful home, a happy family, and a loving marriage.
All of that changed in a matter of minutes, when without warning, Mark announced to her that he no longer loved her and was leaving.
Nothing felt real anymore.
Her ears ringing, her breath rapid and shallow, Joanne could feel an intense throbbing in her temples.
“How could this be happening?” played in an endless loop in her mind.
She felt disconnected from her body, like she was underwater or in a movie.
Sleepless Nights
Her mind raced as she lay awake replaying 20 years of marriage in her head, examining what she had thought were happy memories, looking for clues.
She was gripped by waves of anxiety and fearful thoughts that piled on top of each other, “Where will we live?” “What will we tell the children?” “Is there another woman?” “How could he do this to me!”
After days and nights that blurred together in foggy numbness, Joanne was urged by her friend to get help and together they called my office.
A Move Toward Finding Peace
Joanne took the first step in getting the support she would need to get through this difficult chapter.
She navigated the choppy waters of intense waves of emotion – denial, anger, fear – and was supported as she grieved the loss of the marriage.
As the initial impact of her crisis subsided, the waters became clearer.
Reclaiming the Power
She could now genuinely assess what was and was not working in her marriage.
She came to a place of acceptance about her situation. She realized she was going to be okay. In fact, she recognized she was going to be MORE than okay.
Joanne had carved out a “new normal” and she was at peace, confident and optimistic about her future.
Help is within reach.
I will guide you through this.
Step by step you will learn to quell your anxiety, grieve and regain your footing.
With the right insights and strategies, you can regroup, function and begin to THRIVE again.
Life throws unexpected changes your way that can rattle you to your very core.
But you don’t have to go through it alone.
Let me support you as you make sense of things and rebuild your “new normal.”
You can do it!
Take the first step right now. Call (848) 333-7018.